If you’ve filing for a VA unemployability claim then you’ve likely already seen VA form 21-8940 or you’ve submitted it. The VA will additionally request that the veteran submit a copy of his or her most recent employer via Form 21-4192 in regards to their VA Unemployability claim.
The process for VA Form 21-4192 is quite different from other forms you’ll have to file throughout your VA claim journey. This one is asking for input from your employers.
Moreover, the form barely requires any data from veterans. The veteran simply provides this information themselves when they send the completed form to their employer (see first action in step 1a below).
This is how the VA systematically acquires these sorts of forms.
Do employers have to fill out VA form 21-4192?
All of the employers that you as the veteran listed on their application with whom they worked during their final year of employment will be sent a VA form.
If you’re concerned, the VA cannot deny a TDIU claim just because an employer did not return a completed VA Form 21-4192 though it can still be instrumental to a successful TDIU claim.
The VA will also send a copy of VA form 21-4192 to the veteran.
It’ll be the usual identification information in the first section such as your name, your Social, and more.
What if my employer did not fill out VA Form 21-4192?
Keep in mind that you will be depending on your employer to fill out much of VA Form 21-4192 so you’ll have to be proactive. The VA will begin the rating process if they receive VA Form 21-4192 from your former employer within 15 days.
The VA should be keeping you aware of the dates. If your employer waited too long, the VA will send out another letter reminder and an extension of 15 days should be expected.
If your previous employer is out of business, then go ahead and notify the VA as soon as possible!
TDIU Claim Denied
If your VA Unemployability claim has already been denied, contact us today! We have had tremendous success with TDIU claims. Don’t believe us? Check out our Ultimate VA Unemployability video guide.