If you’re managing a disability connected to your military service, you’re entitled to certain benefits. VA disability claims are complicated, and the wait times are long, which makes an unsatisfactory decision even more frustrating. 

Appealing an initial claim can be challenging, but you don’t have to do it alone. After all, a successful mission requires the right resources and equipment. A VA appeals lawyer in Las Vegas, NV, can provide the guidance and insight you need to win your case. 

At Hill & Ponton, we’re proud to offer a success rate of 96% for VA appeals. We’re VA-accredited attorneys who are committed to fighting for disabled veterans in Las Vegas. In fact, our focus is entirely on disability appeals and increases. We’ve helped thousands of veterans in Vegas and nationwide get the VA benefits they’re entitled to. As a veteran-founded law firm, we’d be honored to do the same for you. 

  • VA disability appeals: Disability claim appeals request an increase in your disability rating or compensation. 
  • Total disability based on individual unemployability (TDIU). TDIU applications ask for higher benefits due to unemployability. 
  • Special monthly compensation (SMC). Extra compensation for veterans with significant disabilities and above-average care needs may be available. 
  • Dependency and indemnity compensation (DIC). This is financial compensation for surviving dependents of a deceased veteran. 
  • Vocational rehabilitation and employment (VR&E): This provides financial benefits to cover support, job training, vocational counseling and education.  

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Is It Worth Appealing a VA Disability Claim with a Las Vegas Lawyer?

The VA can take years to process a disability claim. After all that time, it’s frustrating to receive a denial or an unsatisfactory decision. Even so, it’s often worthwhile to file an appeal. If you’re successful, it could mean a significant increase in monthly compensation. 

Are you looking to increase your chances of winning an appeal with the VA? Consider working with VA-accredited legal veteran appeals lawyers in Las Vegas, NV.  Benefits of working with an attorney for a VA appeal:   

  • Ability to analyze initial claim denial 
  • Current on procedural and regulatory changes 
  • Extensive participation in the appeals process 
  • In-depth knowledge of VA laws 
  • Guidance for complicated rules 
  • Experience proving medical connections   

These benefits can make all the difference — at Hill & Ponton, we have a 96% success rate for VA appeals. As a veteran-founded firm, we fight tirelessly to help veterans receive the benefits they deserve. 

How Long Does a VA Appeal Take With an Attorney?

The VA now allows you to file a few different types of appeals, either on your own or with the help of a VA appeals attorney in Las Vegas, NV:   

  1. Supplemental claim: You can choose this type of appeal if you have new evidence to support your claim or if you believe a change in the law will result in a different decision on your original claim. 
  2. Higher-level review: You’ll request a new assessment of your initial claim from a higher-level reviewer. This type of appeal cannot include new evidence. 
  3. Board appeal: With this appeal, you request a review from a Board of Veterans’ Appeals judge. It can either be a direct review, a submission of new evidence or a hearing.   

According to the VA, the appeals process can take anywhere from 4-5 months to 2 years or more. The timeline depends on numerous factors, including the type of appeal and the claim backlog. In practice, resolving disability claims can take several years. 

Given how much time it takes for the VA to review each disability appeal, every advantage counts. That’s why so many veterans decide to work with VA claim appeal lawyers in Las Vegas, NV. A VA-certified lawyer can build an appeal that’s complete and persuasive, helping prevent delays. 

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Why Claims Get Rejected

As the best VA appeal lawyers in Las Vegas, NV, we’ve reviewed hundreds of rejected disability claims. The VA gives many reasons for denials, ranging from a simple missed deadline to a lack of proof. Claims may be denied for an inconclusive nexus, a medical explanation of how your disability arises from your military service. 

As you start the appeals process, it’s important to figure out why the VA denied your initial claim. Understanding the reasoning can help you build a stronger appeal. Here are top reasons disability claims are rejected:  

  • No clear disability diagnosis: There was a lack of a VA-recognized disability. 
  • Missing key deadlines: Claims must be submitted by the appropriate deadline. 
  • Failure to complete required medical exams: Some disability claims require a compensation and pension (C&P) exam. 
  • Lacking or inconclusive medical evidence: There was inadequate documentation proving the disability or its service connection. 
  • Incorrect or incomplete forms: Missing information or submitting the wrong forms can result in a rejection.  

Successful Appeals for Our Las Vegas Veterans

Disability appeals are complex, but an attorney for a VA appeal in Las Vegas, NV, can help you succeed. After you determine the reason for the initial unfavorable decisions, you must select the appropriate type of appeal. Depending on the appeal path, you might establish a new legal argument, complete forms, submit evidence and attend a hearing. 

What the VA looks for in appeals: 

  1. Strong claim: Your appeal should make a strong case for additional compensation or a higher disability rating. 
  2. Evidence: Where appropriate, you may need to provide supplemental evidence to back up your claim. This could include a nexus letter to prove that your military service is linked to your disability. It may also include witness reports, medical documents and other records. 
  3. Accurate forms: All forms should be complete and submitted on time.  

As you establish nexus, your doctors and veterans appeal lawyers in Las Vegas, NV, should consider all potential causes. Many veterans in Las Vegas are able to claim toxic exposure — contact with harmful substances during military service.    

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Disability Ratings and Compensation

When the VA reviews your first disability claim, officials return a disability rating between 10% and 100%. This rating expresses how severe your disability is; it’s calculated based on your claim and the evidence you submit. If you have more than one disability, the VA will assign you a combined rating. 

Why does your disability rating matter? It’s directly tied to the amount you receive each month in disability benefits. The current disability rates are:

  • 10%: $175.51
  • 20%: $346.95
  • 30%: $537.42
  • 40%: $774.16
  • 50%: $1,102.04
  • 60%: $1,395.93
  • 70%: $1,759.19
  • 80%: $2,044.89
  • 90%: $2,297.96
  • 100%: $3,831.30

Estimate how much you could receive with our VA disability calculator

Benefits for Las Vegas Veterans

VA disability benefits are just a few of the benefits available to veterans in Las Vegas. In fact, Nevada is one of the best states for disabled veterans and non-disabled veterans to live in. Some of the benefits for Las Vegas veterans are: 

  • Tax exemption: Vehicle and property tax exemption for veterans with a 60% disability rating or higher 
  • Discounted hunting and fishing licenses: $15 combination license for veterans 
  • State park entry: Discounted or free state park entry 
  • In-state tuition: Out-of-state veterans receive in-state tuition at a (Nevada System of Higher Education (NSHE) institution 
  • Hiring preference: Applied to veterans for state jobs; disabled veterans have highest preference 
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Resources for Veterans in Las Vegas 

Veteran with Flag

Las Vegas Veterans Affairs

The VA in Nevada offers many services for veterans. Veterans in Las Vegas may also be able to access support and services at the local military facility: Nellis Air Force Base.

The VA’s healthcare facilities provide a full range of medical services; benefits administration offices help you access VA benefits.

You can also visit vet centers for assistance with counseling and other support services. 

Southern Nevada State Veterans Home

This nursing facility just outside of Las Vegas provides beds for veterans and their spouses. It offers a range of skilled nursing services, including hospice, rehab, physical therapy and speech therapy. 

Veteran Family

Veterans Organizations

The VA isn’t the only resource for Las Vegas veterans. You can also find support from these nonprofit organizations:  

  • U.S.VETS Las Vegas: U.S. VETS provides transitional and permanent housing for veterans, as well as mental health support and employment services. 
  • Hiring Our Heroes: Veterans looking for jobs can turn to this program to join hiring events, find networking opportunities and attend fellowships or workshops. 
  • Las Vegas Veterans Recreation Program: This program offers free and heavily discounted recreational activities for veterans in Las Vegas. 
  • Veterans & Community Resource Center: The center helps veterans find jobs, housing, mental health support, educational resources, financial help and legal services.

Who Can Help Me With My VA Appeal in Las Vegas?

As a veteran in Las Vegas, you have access to numerous government and nonprofit support services. Private organizations are also available to assist you in securing benefits or finding the services you need. For example, you might choose to work with a law firm when filing a VA disability claim or an appeal. Accomplished attorneys who focus on VA law can provide the insight and experience to streamline the process. If you need the support of a VA appeals lawyer, contact our team today.     

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VA Disability Attorneys and professionals dedicated to championing veterans’ benefits.

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