Naval Air Station Pensacola

Base Background

Location 280, Taylor Road, Pensacola, Florida, 32508, United States
Years of Operation 1913-Present

Naval Air Station Pensacola was established in 1913, and the base began training aviators at the start of World War I. While aviator training slowed after the war, the military installed a 1935 cadet training program at the base in 1935. This location has since remained a hub for training, education, and other activities. It currently employs over 17,000 military personnel and 5,000 civilians.

Known Toxins

The following chart outlines the toxins associated with this military location and the potential effects of exposure.*

Toxin Potential Effects
Strong Good Limited
Heavy metals (misc.) Potential Effects Pneumonitis hypersensitivity - Multiple myeloma, Chronic renal disease
Volatile organic compounds (VOCs) Potential Effects Rhinitis ­ irritant - -

If you worked or were stationed at Naval Air Station Pensacola, and later experienced adverse health effects, you may be eligible for compensation. Contact a Florida VA disability lawyer for a free case evaluation.

*Effects are according to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention’s Agency for Toxic Substances & Disease Registry unless otherwise noted.