Norfolk Naval Shipyard

Base Background

Location Portsmouth, Virginia, 23709, United States
Years of Operation 1767-Present

Established in 1767, Norfolk Naval Shipyard is the Navy’s oldest shipyard. It started as a colonial shipyard during the American Revolution. This location’s main mission is repairing and overhauling ships and submarines. The shipyard performs a number of other functions, including various technical and engineering tasks.

Known Toxins

The following chart outlines the toxins associated with this military location and the potential effects of exposure.*

Toxin Potential Effects
Strong Good Limited
Asbestos Potential Effects Pulmonary fibrosis, Pneumoconiosis, Pleural disease (effusions,plaques,thickening), Asbestosis Stomach cancer, Renal (kidney) cancer, Immune suppression, Autoimmune antibodies, positive ANA Ovarian cancer, Myelodysplastic syndrome, Multiple myeloma, Melanoma, Lymphoma non ­Hodgkin's, Laryngeal cancer, Colo­rectal cancer, Bladder cancer, Adult­-Onset Leukemias
Polychlorinated Byphenyls (PCBs) Potential Effects Thyroid disorders ­Hypothyroidism, Porphyria ­ toxic, Developmental Delay, Decreased I.Q../Mental retardation, Cirrhosis, Chloracne, Behavioral problems, ADD/ADHD, hyperactivity Peripheral neuropathy, Pancreatic cancer, Menstrual disorders, Lymphoma non ­Hodgkin's, Low birth weight/Small for Gestational Age, Immune suppression, Hepatocellular cancer (Liver cancer), Dyslipidemia, hypercholesterolemia, Delayed growth, Congenital malformation Cranio­ Facial, Cognitive impairment (includes impaired learning, impaired memory, and decreased attention span), Bronchitis ­ chronic, Acute hepatocellular injury (Hepatitis), Abnormal sperm (morphology, motility, and sperm count) Testicular cancer, Reduced Fertility ­ Female (infertility and subfertility), Parkinson's disease/Movement disorders, Hypoactivity, Hypertension, Hyperkeratosis/Hyperpigmentation, Hearing loss, Endometriosis, Diabetes ­ Type I, Breast cancer, Bone cancer/Ewings sarcoma, Altered time to sexual maturation (accelerated or delayed puberty), Altered sex ratio
Solvents (misc.) Potential Effects Multiple Chemical Sensitivity, Contact dermatitis ­ Irritant Lung cancer Vasculitis, Seizures, Rheumatoid arthritis, Multiple Sclerosis
Waste Oils Potential Effects - - Mycosis fungoides (cutaneous T­cell lymphoma)

Environmental investigations found a variety of industrial wastes, including scrap metal, paints, cleaners, thinners, batteries, plating wastes, and blasting residues. If you were stationed at Norfolk Naval Shipyard and later experienced adverse health effects, you may be eligible for compensation.

*Effects are according to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention’s Agency for Toxic Substances & Disease Registry unless otherwise noted.