
This tool is to help you understand if the VA may have misrated your mental disability claim.
This tool will ask nine questions to understand how your disability may affect your daily living. At the end we will provide what we think is a more appropriate rating and give an AI-created description that could make it easier to share with other professionals helping you. We do not save any answers from this tool. All responses are yours alone and are deleted when you leave the page.
Step 1: Mental state
Step 2: Behavior
Step 3: Communication
Step 4: Daily activities

Standing for Veterans Nationwide

Did the VA Misrate Your Disability Claim?
Get a clearer picture how your disability may be affecting your daily life.
Fill out the form
Answer nine easy questions and we estimate what your disability rating should be.
Create a description of your disability
Get an AI generated statement using your answers, which could be a better representation how your disability affects you.
Reach your goal
Get the benefits you deserve to provide a brighter future for you and your family.
Standing for Veterans Nationwide

Please note: If you are feeling suicidal or in danger of hurting yourself or others, seek immediate professional help.

Step 1: Mental state
Step 2: Behavior
Step 3: Communication
Step 4: Daily activities
Step 1: Mental state
How often do you find yourself disoriented, not knowing where you are or what time it is?
Often, and I cannot remember names of close relatives, my occupation, or my own name
Occasionally, mostly when under significant stress
Rarely, and only during periods of extreme stress or anxiety
Do you experience delusions or hallucinations?
Constantly, these affect my daily functioning significantly
Frequently, these interfere with my work, relationships, or daily tasks
Sometimes, usually during high-stress situations
Rarely or never
How often do you experience panic attacks or periods of depression?
Near-continuously, affecting my ability to function independently, appropriately, and effectively
More than once a week, reducing my reliability and productivity
Weekly or less often, but still causing an occasional decrease in work efficiency
Only during periods of significant stress or when not on continuous medication
Never or very rarely
Have you had suicidal thoughts?
Yes, frequently
Once or Twice
Step 2: Behavior
How would you describe your behavior?
I act in very inappropriate ways that I can’t control.
I often have trouble controlling my impulses, which can lead to sudden irritability or even occasional bouts of violence.
I occasionally engage in repetitive or overly detailed behavior that can sometimes affect my productivity.
My behavior is usually normal, but I sometimes become more anxious or suspicious when I’m under stress.
I don’t have any behavioral issues
How does your formally diagnosed mental condition impact your daily life and ability to function?
My symptoms are severe, affect my daily life all the time, and make it very hard for me to function socially or at work.
I experience significant symptoms that frequently interfere with my work, relationships, and daily tasks.
I have noticeable symptoms that sometimes make me less reliable and productive at work and in social situations.
My symptoms occasionally reduce my work efficiency and lead to periods when I have trouble completing tasks.
My symptoms are mild or come and go. They only affect my work performance during high-stress periods, or they are managed with regular medication.
My symptoms are not severe enough to interfere with my work or social life, and I don’t need continuous medication.
Step 3: Daily Tasks
Do you experience difficulty in performing your activities of daily living, such as personal hygiene?
Yes, I am unable to maintain minimal personal hygiene
Yes, but not all the time; I neglect personal hygiene during periods of intense depression or panic
Occasionally, usually when I’m feeling extremely anxious or stressed
No, I maintain my personal hygiene well
Have you experienced problems in your work, school, or family relationships due to your mental health?
Yes, I am unable to function in these areas due to my mental health symptoms
Yes, I struggle a lot in these areas; my relationships, judgment, thinking, or mood are frequently affected
Yes, but only sometimes; my reliability and productivity are reduced
Occasionally, I experience decreased work efficiency and intermittent periods of inability to perform tasks
No, my symptoms do not significantly interfere with my occupational and social functioning
Step 4: Communication
Do you struggle with speech, thought processes, or communication in general?
Yes, my thought processes are grossly impaired, and my speech can be illogical, obscure, or irrelevant
Sometimes, especially during panic attacks or periods of depression
Occasionally, I may have difficulty understanding complex commands or exhibit circumlocutory speech
Rarely, usually only during periods of high stress or anxiety
No, I don’t have issues with my thought processes or communication
This is what we estimate your VA disability rating could be

Stand by…

We are preparing an explanation that you can share with a professional working with you.

Good job on completing this questionnaire.

When your doctor asks, “How are you doing, today?”, you need to tell them about your symptoms and how they are affecting your life. Below is an AI-generated, written description based on your answers. You should review it to make sure it accurately captures your condition. If it doesn’t, you can submit the form again to get a slightly different version. Also, you can copy/paste it and edit it yourself.

Consider these points when you speak to a doctor. This is a starting point to help the doctor understand how most days feel for you.

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